J & SA Davis at the Co-op building

The building by the Market Place on the High Street in Market Lavington has been a shop for well over a hundred years. At present, we know it as the Co-op, which it has been for a long time. (See The Co-op in 1927.)

But the building has been used by other tradespeople. What was the Co-op in the nineteenth century? Well, that blog entry shows it as a paint shop. We have a postcard of The Co-op in times past, showing the shop being run by a family.

In this picture, we see a food shop being run by J and S A Davis in about 1910.

They dealt in grocery and provisions and supplied baking and confectionery.

A closer look in the windows shows stock including Welcome tea, Peek Frean & Co biscuits, Camp coffee and Cadbury’s cocoa.

They also sold, Nestlé’s milk and New Season’s tea and were licensed to sell tobacco.

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