Whist for football – 1937

Nowadays, we think of the local newspaper as being the Devizes edition of the Wiltshire Gazette and Herald. The Wiltshire Gazette was around in the 1930s too, but our newspaper item in this blog entry comes from the Wiltshire Telegraph and Advertiser of 27th November 1937.

Whist evenings in the parish room in Market Lavington were obviously popular events. They were often held during Hospital Weeks in the 1920s and 1930s, but this one was held to raise money for the football club.

The master of ceremonies was Mr George Pike, one of the village butchers, with premises at 9 Church Street. This picture dates from the early days of his being at that shop, in 1911.

We learn from the article that there were 21 tables of whist players and that the parish room was decorated and lit with the colours of the football club.

One of the winners was Mr H. Shore. Bert Shore married Flo Burbidge who had lived her childhood years in the building which now houses our museum.

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